Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Constitution and the Jefferson's Three Points of Success

Jefferson's Three Points of Success:
1. Free, public education
2. Free Press
3. Virtue (Serving the Public or your fellow man)

(Added Sept. 1, 2008)

Alexis de Tocqueville, an French historian researching the newly formed American republic, said this about America:

"America is good because America is great. If America ceases to be good, it will cease to be great."

Truer words were never spoken. However, what is "good?" Tell us all about it.


Anonymous said...

I think Jefferson was genius when he came up with these three points. By having free public education that gives middle and lower class children an equal opportunity at becoming something great later in life and overall being more educated about every day issues.

Also with free press that lets citizens with no other source of info about politics and the government a chance to understand it all in the comfort of their homes. I think the better informed the people are, the better the society.

TruCoz said...
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Angela Warnick said...

because jefferson made eduation free for young childern it is easier for the usa to get an eduacation. some may argue that because education is free here in american we do not value at as much. This maybe true but look at how much richer or educaution is here rather then other countries.

Virtue is also very important it is good that jefferson because in america we try to look out for others not as selfish as we would othere wise be.