Thursday, August 21, 2008

Presidential Election

Who are you going to vote for? Why?


Anonymous said...

I am undoubtedly voting for Barack Obama. I have faith that he will make a change! He is very liberal which I am in most ways.

McCain claims all Obama will do is higher taxes but really he's highering the rich people's taxes which to most is a very good thing. Also McCain says Obama is an elitist. Then when asked how many houses he owned he said he didn't exactly know and asked his people to find out for him.
It turns out he owns either 7 or 8
houses all of which are extremely nice homes. I really could never get myself to vote for an idiot grump like McCain. So in the mean time I'm pullin for Obama in hopes he'll turn this countries' fate around.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to share that i am voting for Obama. I don't know much about politics and i am not really a political person but i know i like him and i want him for president.

I think that he is different than any presidential canidate we have ever had which to me is promising. Our country and our economy needs something differnt right now with fresh ideas and fresh views on things. I think he will be a good new start for our Country.

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Barak Obama. I am not a very political person and i don't follow politics closly however i do know i am voting for him.

He is different than any candidate or president we have ever had before and it hink he will be a fresh start for our country. Our country is going through hard times right now and i think a young fresh face will bring people new hope they need.

Ira Freeman said...

I have a really hard time deciding on who to vote for. About a year ago I would have said I will vote McCain if he is the republican canidate. That was before I had heard anything on Obama and when I thought it would be Clinton.

I think one of the biggest reasons I will vote for Obama would be I belive change can happen when enough people belive in it. If the democrats get a canidate with new and different ideas it will encourage the republicans to do the same.

However I typicaly agree with republican view points so I will have to see what comes up and who I agree with more and if I can see a true change in Obama's plans

Anonymous said...

I'm uncertain about who I am voting for. Most people that I know are leaning towards Obama, but I'm still waiting to hear a strong argument on why I should vote for him. From what I know Obama is more for the wealth distribution - can someone tell me why they think is a good idea?

Anonymous said...

One issue I care about in this election is abortion. I totally
despise it with a passion!!! Obama is for freedom of choice and it
kills me. Does he not know about GOD!!!! I know that is one of the
biggest reasons I'm voting for McCain.
Obama, What a piece of work! I know we need strong
national security with all the wars going on. McCain knows first hand
about military and Obama has absolutely no clue. I think this
country needs someone with a military background!!!
And as for as Hilary Clinton goes, I think deep down inside she dosent
want Obama to win this race.

Anonymous said...

Last week in class we heard a talk from McCullouph he said that George Washington was young, in-experienced and an idealist. I dont remember exactly, but our professor mentioned something to the effect that it is somtimes easier to change if you are this way. And that it could be good for the government, may i also quote "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man."-George Bernard Shaw.
I heard many students in the class last week call Barack Obama and idealist, of course one of the biggest problems McCain has with obama is his lack of experience. Maybe he's not such a
perfect candidate, but i dont think our country is headed in a good direction maybe the
"change" we need is Barack Obama? Whats your opinion?

Trevor Baty said...

Hello everyone, as I said in class I think Barack Obama is a jackass. I would agree that this country needs a change but I dont think Obama could change anything. I think if he wins the presidential election the only thing thats going to change about the country is that we will go into the worst depression this country has ever seen. Yes he will tax the rich but you know who else he'll tax? He is going to tax the hell out of small businesses, and I work for a small business so what will happen to me? More than likely this small business will go under from all the taxes their going to get. Well how many people in the United States of America work for a small business? What happens then? Please all of you Barack Obama supporters I want your opinion?
Next question are any of you Barack Obama supporters patriotic? Obama didn't even put the American flag on his private plane, he wont cross his heart when the star spangled banner is played, he doesn't know jack about military, (his non-sense about Iran is no threat to America? Of course they are!) He says he's catholic, but doesn't believe in God? Then he says he has never been muslim but yet we have evidence that he grew up in a muslim school? Barack Obama is the same as every other person that has tried to be the president, he lies and tells the public what they want to hear, he'll say one thing and 2 weeks later retract exactly what he said.
Finally, do I think Mccain is the answer to all of our problem? Hell no! As that New Yorker said in class he has to choose the lesser of 2 evils I would have to agree. Mccain is not who I wanted to be the republican canadiate but he'll do. If you haven't figured out by now I am a true republican at heart and I look forward to this class and to hear all of your opinions.