Thursday, August 21, 2008

What is Government?


Anonymous said...

The first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal and entitled to certain unalienable, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It goes on to say that the government(s) are instituted to secure those rights.

I believe government should be a group representatives elected by the people that protects the rights of the people it represents. That phrase is somewhat redundant, but I don't know how else to say it. That being said I don't think the government should have the right to impose taxes...after all, weren't taxes imposed on the colonies by King George III one of the main causes for the cry of Independence in the 1700's? In addition to that, federal income tax was deemed to be unconstitutional in the late 1800's when the idea was initially presented, so what makes it okay now? Tell me what you think...

TruCoz said...

Are taxes illegal to be imposed on a people by their government? Consider what would happen if no taxes were imposed on a society. How would government pay for itself? How would we pay for national defense? Social Security? Government operations? Roads? Food stamps? Roads?

Anonymous said...

Though I'm not sure who the following idea was done by, but if anyone knows feel free to follow up.
The goverment is the body of the people, and as such the people must sacrifice in order to keep the body alive, unless it should perish and we all with it. That is the structure of society. If we should all work seperatly (anachy), then only the strongest of those who are alone would prosper. By haveing two people join forces they now stand twice the power of everyone else, but as such must split what they earn in half every time, making comprimises along the way. FOr the common principle of physics anytime engery moves, or things are broken down, there is a small portion that is lost.
From there you incress the number of people even higher to four, and now the group can easily win against any single perosn, but more of their own personality and profit must be 'sacrific(ed). . .for the Security' (Benjamin Franklin).
For a nation of +300,000,000 people we must all sacrifice our own desires and dreams for a moment to ensure the unity and health of the total body. Taxes are a small price to pay to the goverment that keeps us safe.

Anonymous said...

On the subject of taxes how do you feel about a flat tax of 10% for everyone? This would be a tax on our income and we would have no deductions. This would cover all federal and state taxes and nothing else would be taxed. No gasoline tax, food tax, property taxor sales tax. I think it sounds pretty darn good.
I have read statistics that say because the wealthy can have so many deductions they often times don't pay much personal tax. And that if EVERYONE were taxed a flat rate our government would have much more money than we do now and the middle income people would probably benefit the most. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

As a response to the first comment, I think that no taxes sounds pretty great, but not very pragmatic. I mean, when our forefathers apposed the taxes laiden on them by the British, it was because they were considered "unfair". They weren't getting the protection they thought they deserved, nor the benefits. So they revolted against unfair taxes. But I think if we want to establish a system or a body that will protect our rights and maintain order, we should be willing to pay for it.
The other idea, I actually really liked, I think it would be a great idea to pay one flat tax. I am confounded by the tax break(s) that Bush have given to the upper class. I think that everyone should be expected to pay the same percentage of their income as everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate everybodies comments. I purposely posted my initial comment in hopes of generating some good discussion. Tax is a subject that I do feel very strongly about and one that I believe merits some serious thought.

I am not opposed to all taxes...I enjoy driving on paved roads and having police/military protection, etc., but I really do think that things have gotten a little excessive. We pay income tax, FICA tax, gas tax, telephone tax, utility tax, property tax, medicare tax, hotel tax, and the list goes on and on. I agree that sacrifices are necessary to secure the freedoms we enjoy but do you ever wonder we get taken advantage of?

Where I don't fully agree with all of the taxes that we pay (especially for social programs i.e. social security and welfare) I don't think that there is an easy solution. I think the flat tax as mentioned by somebody else is a good least it's a start. There is also the idea of eliminating income tax and imposing a universal sales tax so you are only taxed on the money you spend. That may work as well. Hopefully we get the opportunity to find out!

Trevor Baty said...

Jeff I'd like to reply to you, you say you do not like paying ridiculous taxes. Let me ask you this are you supporting Obama or Mccain? Obama wants to take away the Bush cuts and start taxing us harder so take what you make now and literally divide in half. They are at 33% now and if Obama gets his way on everything he wants to put in place than I think this economy will plunder. He raises the taxes to 50% or higher whats going to happen? People will not want to go out and spend their money they will save every penny. Everyone says Obama is going to tax the rich? Do people actually read who he's going to tax? The people he's going to tax most is SMALL BUISNESSES, now I work for a small lumber company I mean it does well but its not a franchise of many. Whats going to happen to these places?
Finally my last complaint is National medicaid, I think this would be the most ridiculous think Obama could put into place. I understand that are few people that actually cant work and get health insurance, but what about all the people that just are too lazy to work. I talked to some people from Canada about national medicaid and they told me that it was the worst thing Canada has ever done and when you need a surgery or something important done you'd have to wait 6 months to just get in. Canada's own prime minister comes to America to get anything done even for just a check up.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question (in case you couldn't tell after class last night) I am supporting Mccain. Matt made some excellent points last night about how imposing taxes on the rich will effect the "middle/lower" classes and I couldn't agree with him more. For the reasons stated last night, I don't believe that the ideas Obama has are realistic.

As far as "Universal health care" goes, I also know people that have spent time in Canada, France, and Italy that have experienced their health care systems and they all say the same thing...they don't work. For me, it just boils down to the plain and simple fact that most, if not all, social programs are broken...they are taken advantage of by a large percentage of those that use them. If we can't figure out how to keep people from abusing social security, welfare, medicaid, etc. what will keep them from abusing universal health care as well? As I said last night...I work hard for my money and have no problem contributing to society but I ought to be able to choose how and when to contribute instead of being forced to support abused social programs under federal regulation.