Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Bailout Package

Yesterday, Congress unsuccessfully tried to pass a multi-billion dollar piece of legislation yesterday. There was bi-partisan support for the bill. Yet, there was more bi-partisan support to oppose it.

Why did it not pass?

Why did some (95) Democrats object to this bill?

Why did most Republicans (133) oppose it?

What is the next step?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bill did not pass because I think most congressmen are sick and tired, of having to bail out big business. I also am sure most congressmen have been recieving calls urging them to vote no against the multi-billion dollar bill. If government keeps bailing out big private organizations, our Infrastructure and the way business is ran in America become socialized. That isn't the America I know, and isn't the america i want to know. I think democrats and republicans alike are starting to see this as a huge problem.
Even if i were to be approved there is no guarantee that a year down the road these same companys don't tank. Is that really worth putting our children and our chilrens, children in debt for years to come?