Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fifth Grader Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

In many ways, I’d like to say I felt shocked that the school would do this; but then, I’m not really surprised. I remember in school that there were dress codes in place which kept offensive material from being displayed. But I also remember that many of my most outspoken teachers were extremely liberal and would have been the first to kick out anyone doing something they disagreed with. I wonder what would have happened if he had been wearing something anti-McCain. Would they still have suspended him?
During election times, we get so carried away in the shock-factor or fighting dirty, we forget that the more we do this, the more separated we become. This may sound shocking to hear from someone who supports McCain, but I think the kid went a little too far on this. This isn’t conservatism; it’s radicalism, which can only further polarize our nation, no matter which side it comes from. United we stand, divided we fall.


Anonymous said...

I don't think that it is fair that this kid got suspended for an anti-Obama shirt, it is his right to freedom of speech. But I also don't really believe that it was necessary. A fifth grader isn't going to understand politics and necessarily have an opinion on who is the right candidate for president.I believe that his dad played a big role in this, the child was obviously influenced by his father to wear this t-shirt and I'm sure the fatehr just did this to get a rise out of people.

I don't think that this fifth grader should have been suspended. But I also don't believe that it was very appropriate of his father to have his child wear such an inappropriate shirt to his fifth grade class. The punishment should have been more toward the father than the child.

Anonymous said...

I think this sends the wrong message. Would the child have been suspended if he had worn a support obama shirt? What about a shirt with maccain on it? Maybe the school should have been clear that no type of political shirt be allowed. But then isn't that also sending the wrong message that they don't want to get kids involved in politics? As long as the shirt wasn't vulgar, or dirty i feel he should have been allowed to wear it!