Monday, September 1, 2008

VP candidate's daughter is pregnant. So?

Why is GOP VP pick Sarah Palin's daughter's newly revealed pregnancy a political issue?

Tell me your thoughts.


Angela Warnick said...
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Angela Warnick said...

its a political issue because if the future VP/ maybe future president does not have control of her own house hold how will she be able to handle a whole country.

Is it fair to judge her for a child's mistakes? yes and no. Why wasn't she more aware of what was going on with her 17 year old daughter? will she be as laid back and understanding when bigger issues occur in the U.S.A.? No she could not make up her child's mind for her, and she did not tell her to get pregnant. But as a parent she should have taught her right from wrong.

These are all things we need to consider when deciding who we choose to be our next president and vp. Is Sarah Palin responsible enough to be the next vp?

Winslow said...

First of all, I have to say that normally I cringe when it comes to women in the government because so many times I sense an over compensating, power hungry woman trying to prove herself. But in this situation I don't have that same feeling.

I think her daughter being pregnant proves that she does come from a normal family and can relate to all of us. Now if she herself was single and pregnant or cheating on her husband then heck ya it's an issue.

Sometimes parents do all they can to teach their children to make the right choices. But they still have to learn from their own mistakes.
I don't justify her daughter's actions but at the same time I don't blame her daughter's actions on her.

It was a big risk for McCain to pick Sarah Palin. We shall see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Ok. To start off, Sarah's daughter being pregnant is not a political issue. I think it's too bad it had to come out into the public. Sex with the opposite sex is a very normal appetite that I think all of you participate in, or would like to participate in. With my Christian background, It is wrong to have sex before marriage. BUT poeple do make this mistake. This is TOTAL personal family issue, and not political.
Abstinence was one of the principles that my mother and father taught me while I was young. BUT as I am a male, and raging with testosterone, those sexual urges are hard to control. Sarah, in my oppinion is in control with her family, but all of us has sinned, or made mistakes. NOONE can judge Sarah Palin for her girl getting pregnant. This is not a national issue. She seems like a kick ass woman, out to take some names!
Lets look at all the good things about Sarah Palin. She is a lifetime member of the NRA, so my guns are same in her hands as VP. She had to bag her Caribou hunt for this nomination, (not that this matters, just shows that she is a normal person). She is not afraid to make waves with the big wig oil guys by taking their illegal actions to the feds. And... she is a good lookin woman!!

Anonymous said...

Teen pregnancy is an issue throughout the U.S. regardless of the teen and their family. I think the issue with this case is Sarah Palin is a political icon and people will use anything they can get on her to use against her. Although this probably isnt the best time for something like this to happen.

The fact that she will be helping her daughter go through pregnancy and helping to raise two infant children raises some red flags. Im pretty sure being Vice President is a full time job as is being a parent of five and also a grandparent of a new born baby where the mother of the child still lives at home and is not quite an adult.

I have nothing bad to say about teen pregnancy its kind of a dangerous game you play when you have sex especially at such a young age where you are bound to have poor judgement. It just struck at an inconvenient time but will show her true colors as a leader if they are elected.

Anonymous said...

It matters less to me that Palin's daughter's pregnant, but this revelation, among others, does tell me a lot about John McCain.

It tells me that when John McCain blasted Barack Obama for his inexperience, he really had no problem with inexperience after all.

It tells me that when John McCain questioned Barack Obama's "confidence" in America, he had no problem with Sarah Palin's history with the secessionist Alaska Independence Party (look it up on Google).

It tells me that for all of John McCain's knowledge of those inside Washington who might best serve this country as his VP, in case his health problems catch up with him and he/she is forced to take over, he goes with someone he's only met on one occasion, and clearly knows next to nothing about, as this pregnancy shows. Even the most remedial vetting process would have revealed these sort of things and given McCain reason to look elsewhere.

I used to be a huge fan of McCain in 2000 when I was 18, and would have voted for him for President if he was on the GOP ticket, but as you can see, I'm not so high on him anymore...

Anonymous said...

I feel it is a political issue and not at the same time because for one if a vice president can't control his own daughter how could he control the united states? If he ever became president. That's not the kind of person I would want in the white house.
The way i see it as a none political issue is that she is just a young girl expiermenting. I mean who doesn't have urges like that and how hard is it to hide it from your parents? Just because her father could be vice president doesn't make her any different from me and you. It could happen to anyone.

Anonymous said...

I think this is definitely a political issue. Sarah Palin along with John McCain both have voted against extending sexual education in high school in favor of teaching abstinence. I think we all know that usually when your parents tell you to not to do something it just makes you want to do it more. I wonder if her daughter had received safe sex education if she would not be pregnant now? Personally I am glad that McCain picked her. Mainly because I am an Obama supporter and between her daughter being pregnant, her husband being in a seccessionist party, and her being ivestigated for the firing of state personnel, I don't feel like she has added anything to the Republican ticket. But who knows, stranger things have happened.

Unknown said...

Candidate Obama stated it clearly when he said Politics are not family issues. I totally agree with Obama, familys are to be set aside when talking politics. I believe that that information is to be keeped to the family.

I understand the concerns of those who say well what kind of morals does Sarah Palin have? This does play a big factor now but we shold not hold that aginst VP candidate Palin. Am i perfect? NO. Are you? No. So lets stay out of others peoples family concerns.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that McCain & Palin voted against extending sexual education.

Since her daughter is pregnant out of Wed-lock you would think she'd be ALL FOR better sexual education in our schools for our younger generations.

Apparently abstinence education was not sufficient for her daughter. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

A pregnant teen girl is not a polictical issue. The potential Vice President's teen daughter being pregnant is. It reflects how put together and in control she is of her own family. When raising your kids all you can do is show them what is right and hope the make the best decision. But in the end kids will make mistakes, thats what they do best.
I think the whole situation will be entertaining to watch. I also believe that it helps so she is closer to the average american than other politicians and i like that. Its good to see someone high up in the social ladder with some real world problems. The fact is teen pregnancy is on the rise in America and not everyone realizes it. Thats why its being made such a big deal.

Anonymous said...

All of us have family members that do not share the same views as us. When it comes to chosing a politic candidate, I'll be looking at their stand points on issues that are currently affecting the US and not the personal lives of their families.

pblossser said...

I do believe that Palin’s pregnant daughter has become a political issue whether or not any of us agree with whether or not it is… the fact that we’re discussing it in a US Politics class miles away in and of itself says it is. Personally I agree with the standing that one’s family/personal life should be kept separate from politics, but that is something that is constantly under the microscope when in the public eye, Yet Palin has voted against extending sexual education in high schools and updating the curriculum to educate versus preach abstinence. Although I am a strong believer in abstinence I know that there are hormones that can sway ones better judgment. When brain chemistry, hormones, and sexual excitement are added to the equation it’s only fuel to the fire.

There are worse things out there than becoming pregnant. Her daughter is lucky that she did not contract a Sexual Transmitted Disease. I feel that we should be teaching our kids everything that we can to help prepare themselves for situations that can arise. If anything I would say that the situation and Palin, like any of us are entitled to privacy, but hope that after having to deal with a situation which she has been so outspoken toward can now be viewed through different eyes now that she is dealing with it at home.

Anonymous said...

So? So Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant. Her daughter made a bad decision. She is not her daughter and can not control her daughters every move. She could be Mother of the year and could have done everything right, but we're not talking about a 5-year old kid. Her daughter is a person with her own mind.
I believe personal lives and politics should be kept separate to a point. Just ten years ago, the president of the United states betrayed his wife and family and had an affair. This happened while he was in office and at his place of business (which is our white house), I might add. Oh yes, and then he lied about it. This situtation was different. It was not Clinton's daughter's character that was in question. It was President Clinton. A man that we were supposed to respect and to whom we had entrusted our country. We should have questioned him. If nothing else, we should have at least questioned his judgement and decision-making abilities.
If a President can make such a horrible mistake and still generally be liked by the country, then why are we even concerned about a V.P. candidate's daughter?
We need to be concentrating on Sarah Palin and her views and her decision-making abilities and not waste any more time talking about her daughter.

Trevor Baty said...

I dont think in any way it should be a political issue. Yes, Sarah should have taught her daughter better but who is to say she didn't? So her daughter made a bad choice? So Sarah Palin and Mccain voted against furthering sex education? How many teen girls have become pregnant and have gone through and graduated from the sex ed program?
As far as people attacking her by saying that she needs to be in better control of her own household and what happens when she is that laid back with the country? What crap is that? I for one came from a very religious backround. My family is very LDS and I was taught to stay away from having sex, doing drugs, drinking and all of the above. Well I've done it all, so is it my parents to blame? As far as I'm concerned it is all my choices therefore my fault. So why is it that Sarah Palin is being blamed for her daughter's choices? According to that rule I should be able to blame my parents for me doing drugs.
Sarah didn't tell her daughter to go out and have sex. My parents most certainly did not tell me to do drugs. Its just proving that Sarah Palin comes from a normal US family just like the rest of us. In the bible it says "thou shall not judge." I know no one likes to be judged so why should we judge our future VP (cross my fingers anyways).
PS Fyi I just want to clarify I dont do drugs anymore, I've been off for 2 years. I was just putting my opinion into perspective.

Amanda E. said...

I absolutely don't believe that Palin's daughter should be involved as a "political issue". She's a young girl that is in an unfortunate situation and her right to privacy should be respected. She didn't choose to have a mother who is applying for one of the most important jobs in the world, after all.

As for the argument that she can't control her own house, I think "control" over a 17 year old is pretty laughable. Like Trevor, my parents were fairly strict when it came to the rules of our house, but I still managed to misbehave. When a child is 17 years old, there isn't much you can do to make sure they never have sex, short of chaining yourself to their side. Gov. Palin could have drilled abstinence-only education into her daughter from day one but when you're 17 years old, you're capable of making your own decisions, and sometimes those go against what your parents have taught you your entire life.

I've also heard the argument that Palin's daughter being pregnant shows definitively that her abstinence-only policies don't work. I think that we can point to any of the number of girls who didn't know they could get pregnant the first time or didn't know to use a condom to prove that. Just like we wouldn't pick any random pregnant 17 year old out of a crowd and hold her up and shame her to make our point, we shouldn't do that to Gov. Palin's daughter. Also, the argument could be made the other way- if Gov. Palin was against abstinence-only education and taught her daughter a more "safe sex" approach and then she ended up pregnant anyway, people would point and say that she wasn't in "control" there either. It's a no-win for either side when you take one family and make them the model for an entire way of teaching.

Senator Obama has said that her family is off-limits and I respect that. As an Obama supporter, I think that if I truly believe my candidate is the better one, I should have enough arguments as to why that I shouldn't need to stoop to insulting a minor child.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Palin has a daughter that is 17 years old....and she is pregnant?!?!?! Who gives a damn??!! That is the least of my worries right now, and I would hope that it is the least of America's worries. Trivial matters like these should have no impact whatsoever on who we vote for. I think there are bigger issues and bigger matters at hand. There are other things that we, the constituents should look at before we decide who we will support. We need to know where they stand on the issues, we need to know their political history. We need to know what they are going to do as our leaders, how they will help us, and how their being elected will benefit us.
Palin is extremely inexperienced in the political realm. She is quite unknown and unprepared, receiving only a bechelor's degree in journalism. No higher education required for her. She has been mayor of an unknown town in the middle of nowhere for a few years and has just been elected mayor of Alaska. Gee wiz, that is even less experience than Barack Obama. How bizarre!

She supports censorship of books with bad words in them. She supports the teaching of "Creationism" in public schools. Did I mention she does not beleive in Global Warming, despite all of the natural evidence and the testimony of most modern scientists, but I guess I can't blame her for not beleiving in it, I mean, it says nothing about global warming in the bible.
Her husband is a greedy oil baron, and it's no wonder that she is doing all in her power, moral or immoral as it may be, to start drilling in Alaska and line her and her husband's pockets with more money, even if that comes at the cost of a few endangered species along the way.
Let her be vice president, and our country goes from horrible to irreparable.The damage that a McCain/Palin presidency will do at an international level is a major concern . Invade more muslim countries and stuff christianity and democracy down their throats. I cannot stand by and let Bush have another four year term, and I cannot support Palin or what she stands for, not because of her daughter, but because of

Trevor Baty said...

Wow Parker your speech was amazingly false, if anything Mccain and Palin's presidency will do a hell of a lot better then Barak Obama. Gee Wiz Barak can preech to the crowd and tell the world exactly what they want to hear. And yet everyone around here believes his non sense.. I think he's full of a lot of empty promise and honesty full of CRAP. The whole world wants Barak because he doesn't know his ass from his nose when it comes to the military. What happens when Obama cuts the military in half and all of our soldiers lose their jobs? Oh I guess it doesn't matter, right?
Another thing Sarah Palin is a GOVERNOR not a mayor, And she's a govenor of a very big state called Alaska you ever heard of it?
You say McCain and Palin will destroy the county? Haha what do you think Obama is going to do? Honestly if he becomes the President I'll bet all the money I have that America will go into the worst depression its ever seen. You think the economy sucks right now what happens when Barack takes away the tax cuts and then adds another 10% this country is going to pay dearly. Not the Government oh no people like you and I will pay every penny we got towards taxes. The rich people will pay but they can afford it, its not going to hurt their pockets. We will pay with Barack (not to mention he's a MORON). You say Palin has no experience, what is Obama's? Everyone is fighting for Obama but yet no one will tell me what he's accomplished the entire time he's been in the senate. I sure would like to know. Last time I checked I dont think he's ever even voted for anything. He votes PRESENT, whoopdy freaking doo, all present means is that he's PRESENT at the time of the vote. Does he even have a brain? Hey Ill give him props though that he does know how to woo the crowd.

Amanda E. said...

Trevor: Here is Senator Obama's voting record:

As for what he's done in the Senate, here's a list of the 427 bills he either sponsored or co-sponsored:

As for voting "present", in Illinois, voting "present" is often used as a way to remove support from an issue without explicitly voting for it. Senator Obama voted "Present" 50 times in a strategic move with other democrats, in addition to other times when he voted "Present" even on bills he agreed with, simply because he felt there were parts that needed to be refined. Here are some articles about that:

Here's a quote from that article, by a Republican from the state senate:

"'To insinuate the 'present' vote means you're indecisive, that you don't have the courage to hold public office, that's a stretch. But, it's good politics,' said state Rep. Bill Black (R), a 22-year veteran of the House and his party's floor leader."

Here's another article that goes into more detail about Senator Obama's voting record when it comes to voting "present":

Also, I'm not trying to sound rude, but if I wasn't decided on a candidate I'm not sure I'd honestly consider what you were saying when you're not even spelling his name correctly, especially after you "gently" correct someone on your candidate's title.

Trevor Baty said...

Alright kudos Amanda, nice touch on not trying to be rude. haha thanks for the research.. it'll be a fun read.

Anonymous said...

I honestly believe that no matter how well you raise your children, they will always make errors and bad decisions. I don't think that because Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant, that it makes her a bad parent. I don't think that it should make or brake a person's decision to vote for her and McCain. Kids make mistakes and I don't think that it should effect their parents reputation.

But I also think that when every candidate goes in for election, they know that the media will bring out every detail in their personal lives that could potentally hurt the candidate. So I'm sure that she was aware that this was going to be a big issue when people were trying to decide if she was the right person to elect for VP.