Thursday, September 25, 2008

What influence will the new president have on your life?


Anonymous said...

What impact will the new president have in my life? Socialism --> Communism

Anonymous said...

To be honest i think the new president will take the largest affect on our age group, the new home buyers and rising career population. I think the new president will definantly be a change from what we have had and I hope it is for the better. Change is what we need especially our generation and I hope that is what is coming.

Anonymous said...

Depending on who it is it could have a very negative impact on my life. Starting out i supported obama because i didnt feel we needed another bush in office as mccain is portrayed by alot of the media. Then in class when we had our first debate and i learned about his tax increase that he has planned and the free medical care it really bummed me out. The job intend to have when i graduate will be in the higher tax bracket and before i came to school i was in the higher tax bracket and paid enough in taxes as is i didnt need anymore taken out im a young single male making a decent amount of money paying tens of thousands in taxes every year. However i dont know everything mccain has planned if he becomes president and for all i know he could raise taxes also. One thing i love about coming to class is that everyday im in there i learn so much about what is going on in the government right now im not just learning how things work. Anyway like amy said this presidential election will have a huge impact on us as a generation where we are fresh out of the chute and all we can do is hope for the best.

Amanda E. said...


Obama is not offering "free health care." I'm already late for work, so I'll just link you to his page where he details how he would make his health plan work. The main page is just an overview. If you want to read more, he has linked pdf files that are more thorough.

Also, I found this website that estimates how much a specific person will save under both Obama and McCain's tax cuts. Unless you are making more than $75,000 a year as a single earner, you would still save money under Obama's tax plan. If you get married, that number is above $150,000 jointly but less than $500,000 jointly.

The site says it's bipartisan and all that, but as always, take with a grain of salt and all.

Amanda E. said...

Sorry, here's the link to the site:

Anonymous said...

At first I was all for Obama and for the most part I still am. There's no way in hell I would switch to McCain but as time keeps moving I'm really getting scared for not only my future but for all the generations after me. This election is so important in many different aspects: War on Terror, health care, gay rights, abortion, taxes, foreign affairs, etc etc.

I don't know if either of these candidates can make me feel assured and at peace about these issues I just hope whichever one is elected will do so. These are such huge issues for the future of our country. With the way things are going right now, we're headed for another great depression so I just pray as soon as the new guy's in office, things start to look up from there. :)

Anonymous said...

This presidential election will influence my life, and the lives of the upcoming generations of americans in many ways. The present u.s. economy is very comparible to the great depression. Home owners are fileing bankruptcy faster than a corvette. This election is extremely important to the future buyers, rather it be maintsteer or wallstreet.

Seeing the lives of our brothers dying in the middle east has to come to an end. Our relationship with the world has become a joke. We need change....and alot of it. It will take a lot of time to get us out of this hole president Bush has placed us in.

Anonymous said...

This presidential election will influence my life, and the lives of the upcoming generations of americans in many ways. The present u.s. economy is very comparible to the great depression. Home owners are fileing bankruptcy faster than a corvette. This election is extremely important to the future buyers, rather it be maintsteet or wallstreet.

Seeing the lives of our brothers dying in the middle east has to come to an end. Our relationship with the world has become a joke. We need change....and alot of it. It will take a lot of time to get us out of this hole president Bush has placed us in.

Anonymous said...

Our new President will influence everyone's lives. He will be the determining factor for where our country heads in these uncertain times. He will be faced with a struggling economy, a country in dire need of an energy policy, 2 current wars, and a rift between liberals and conservatives that can not be measured.

Knowing that our next President will be Barack Obama brings me peace and hope for our country to once again be on the right path toward greatness. I look forward to watching as the new Presidency tries to repair our economy and strengthen our standing in the world and our relationship with our friends throughout the world.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy 100% when she said that the new president will take the largest effect on our age group. Everything that he decides will target our generation. His choices will effect: cost of housing, taxes, health care, job security, the war in iraq, our economy, etc.
But i honestly think that we can only go up from what Bush has done to this nation. (Well lets at least hope) I think Obama will be the change that we need. But i also think that we all need to give him a chance to show us he can change our country for the better and we need to support him!