Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Is homosexuality a civil rights issue?

Many people say that homosexuality is a civil rights issue.  Others strongly disagree claiming that homosexuals do not deserve special rights and that it is not a civil rights issue.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I believe that gay rights is definitely a civil rights issue. In the issue of gay rights, people are not asking to have special privileges or to be treated better than anyone that is part of the majority. All they are asking is to be treated equally.

I find it sad that we as a society still judge people based on things such as what they do in their own houses. Just because someone is homosexual does not mean that they do not contribute to the growth and advancement of our society as much as any heterosexual individual.

Hopefully Proposition 8 is shot down in California and it can act as a stepping stone for our country to allow these people the same joys that the rest of us have.

Anonymous said...

To me, it seems it would be unquestionable that gay rights is a civil rights issue. In our lesson today, we learned that civil rights is what a government must do to ensure freedom from discrimination for all Americans. Whether or not the general public likes or dislikes homosexuals, being gay does not keep you from being a citizen. Why then is our government allowed to deny rights and privileges to a group of its citizens based on sexual orientation?

Over the years, many groups have struggled to have the government recognize that they are deserving of their constitutional rights. The fact is “all men are created equal” and are deserving of the same rights and privileges as every other citizen.

Whether or not you like homosexuals, if you are someone who believes that no one should have to suffer from the feelings of discrimination and oppression by an overwhelming majority, then you should, at the very least, not go out of your way to ensure that others do not have the same rights as you.

I must say, being gay myself, even living in Utah, it is not that greatly often that I feel discriminated against. Listening to a room full of people debate on whether they feel being gay makes a person less deserving, helped me to realize that there is an entire country out there that is just as divided and passionate on the issue. In listening to the class, it appeared a good portion of the arguments against gay rights stemmed from misunderstandings, misconceptions and even religious intolerance.

I have no scientific or biological explanation for why some people are gay. And while I cannot speak for anyone else, for me, being gay was in no way a choice or decision made on my part. At quite a young age, I realized I was attracted to the same sex, even before I knew what it meant. Even today, I still ponder as to life’s questions such as this, though I think the human race is a little far off from solving this one-of-many great mysteries that help make up who we are.

Personally I do not feel that I have “SSA” or any other disease or deformity that needs to be corrected. Hearing the idea that people who are attracted to the same sex should deny themselves the true love that can only be found in a romantic relationship and replace this part of their lives with what could only be, at most, a loving but platonic partnership with someone of the same sex, is saddening to say the least. I believe everyone should have the same opportunity at love and happiness in their lives. I am greatly confused as to why anyone would want to deny these great life experiences from another simply because they do not understand. I don’t understand very well either, but that’s definitely not enough to stop me from pursuing happiness in life to its fullest and hopefully spending my life with someone I truly love.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely it is a civil rights issue. As Meztler pointed out - They are not asking for "special rights", they are simply asking for EQUAL rights. Not allowing them equal rights is discrimination.
Specifically speaking of gay’s right to marry, they are not hurting anyone or infringing on others rights and as far as what they do in their private lives, well - do we question anyone else about that? People practice S&M and some bring other couples or prostitutes to their homes. Do we deny them the right to marry? Interesting that a heterosexual person can be divorced 10 times and still have the right to marry again. Does this not tarnish the sanctity of marriage?
Just because we don't understand how two women or two men could be together romantically doesn't mean we should deny them the right to do so. It can't be a matter of procreation, because people get married long after they are unable to produce offspring… And there is no law against a sixty-year old woman marrying a twenty-year old man.
People are worried that if we allow same sex marriage, then what's next? What could be next? Are they worried that people will want to marry their pets? Okay, let them. Let Rover get tax breaks because he's married to his master. Come on people! This is not bigamy or polygamy or even child-marriage, this is a question of two adults who love each other and simply want to express it the way the rest of us have a right to. By making a promise to each other that is recognized by the laws & the state.
I am not gay and I don't understand homosexuality either. Nobody in my family is gay and I don't really even have any close friends that are gay, so I am not arguing for anyone in particular, but I don't understand how we can deny someone the right to marry the person they choose - same sex or not.
In this day and age isn't it hard to believe that at one time black people had no rights at all? ...and they, along with women were unable to vote? Fortunately, we have learned that just because they weren't white males, didn't mean they shouldn't have the same rights.
I understand the other major controversial issues right now, such as Gun control: guns kill people and they protect people, so I understand the controversy. Also, Abortion: abortion is a question of a woman’s rights to her own body versus possibly killing a living child – sure, I can see how this is a tough one, but gay rights? Not hurting anyone – I don’t understand the controversy.
Just as we’ve progressed from the times that blacks and women were unable to vote, I have no doubt that gay marriage will eventually be legal in all states, but how long do we want our ignorance and misunderstanding to hold us back from moving ahead? How many conflicts and how much heartache before we finally realize that it’s okay to allow EVERYONE the right to choose who they will marry?

Anonymous said...

Is homosexual rights a civil rights issue? Do Homosexual rights have an impact on my family? I will answer these questions to the best of my ability.

First of all the word Gay was a pretty name for a woman once upon a time, so the politically correct term is homosexual. Homosexuality should not even be an issue. It is an act that is very gross in the sight of God, and how our nation is starting to accept it is very wrong. If the Homosexual wants to have a partner... whatever. But to try to make this gross act, which is condemned by God legal in our country is not right.

Homosexual rights does hurt judeo-christian families. I will explain. In Massachusetts kindergartners are being taught that having 2 daddies is ok, that Homosexuality is ok. Parents are not given the right to exclude their kids from these teachings in class because it is now legal. To Judeo-Christians it is not legal, and is seen as a terrible act. Now, I do not hate or despise the homosexual, but do despise the act of homosexuality. So no one can call me a "hater".

Many of you do not believe in God, or that the Bible is a book of God. I respect that. But when a Sodom and Gomorrah (Sodom and Gomorrah and other cities like them were destroyed by God, where the people all practiced fornication, and homosexuality freely)lifestyle begins to be accepted in this choice land of America, our great nation erodes. It has been eroding for a long time now. As our creator is forgotten, and sin and wickedness are accepted in society, we as a people de-evolve from a God fearing people to a nation of unbelievers. But guess what? It has been prophesied in the bible so it does not surprise me.

Homosexual rights do effect my family, as it begins to be socially acceptable. The society and community that I live in is beginning to be corrupted with this act, and most definitely effects myself and my family. If schools are going to teach this sick act, count me and my 3 children OUT.

Benjamin Franklin said: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
John Adams was equally explicit: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Samual Adams also said: "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."
And for those who do not believe that our founders made this nation great with a belief in God. Benjamin Franklin said: "Here is my creed. I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That he governs it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable service we render to him is in doing good to his other children. That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound religion."

To end, I love the Homosexual as my brother, as a child of God. But do despise the act of homosexuality. To legalize this is to spit in the face of God.

Barack Hussein Obama made this very sarcastic statement, mocking Christianity. Maybe he is right. "So before we get carried away, let's read our bibles. Folks haven't been reading their bibles." Said with a smug little grin.

FroggieFlip said...

Homosexuality is a civil right issue because people are trying to decide on their rights to do whatever it is they want, like getting married. As for those that disagree with it being a civil right, claiming that homosexual do not deserve special rights… What they are asking for or want is not “special rights.” It is the same rights that we want, so I suppose if we call the right that we have as “special,” then I suppose they are asking for it then. The point I’m trying to make here is that they are not much different than we are in terms of loving someone and wanting to be with that person for the rest of their lives.

One thing I would like to point out is that in one of my classes, we were talking about divorce and the stood out to me was that if two people were living together and acted like a married couple, then they are considered to have a contract of marriage. So I suppose whether you are against it or not, and if, it’s against the law like in the state of Utah. It can still happen here, unless, of course, they do not recognize that…

Winslow said...

I want to thank zz nuge for his comments. I am glad you are standing up for what is right. Ditto

Anonymous said...

I think it is a civil rights issue for sure. It is discrimination. Would we deny people of a different race the right to get married? No, we would say that is racism, this is just as bad!
Although i don't agree with homosexuals and don't share their beliefs, i believe that they should get treated to the same rights the rest of us get. It would be wrong to not allow them the same freedoms we enjoy, they are not hurting or harming any of us, they are just simply trying to enjoy a peaceful happy life like the rest of us are.

Anonymous said...

I believe that homosexuality is a civil rights issue. In the Declaration of Independence, it states that... ALL men are created EQUAL, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, Liberty and the pursuit of HAPPINESS.

So according to the Declaration, homosexuals should be treated equal, just like everyone else in our country, they deserve to be happy. Like Jonathan said in his blog, its not like homosexuals are asking for special privileges or to be treated better than anyone else. Homosexuals are people too. They deserve to have the same rights as any heterosexual American.

Anonymous said...

I believe homosexuality is a civil rights issue. Homosexuals should be treated the same as anybody else. They show love like anybody else. They share the same feelings to their partner, and would happily live their lives together. They shouldn't be treated differently simply due to their different belief, or their choice of partner.

Dont get me wrong, I'm straight and everything, but this is the truth of life. We have to accept what is right, and support our special civil rights.

Anonymous said...

Guys there needs to be a line drawn out here. If this homosexual right to marry becomes legal by the consent of the people, then I have to accept what is as what is. BUT this cannot be carried so far as to be indoctrinating children in the public schooling system to accept the act. If homosexuals are going to win this civil war, they should not impose this act on public schools who have many people from different religious sects enrolling whose parents oppose homosexual behavior. This cannot be taught in our schools.

I have even heard of churches being shut down and lost their tax exempt status for not marrying homosexuals. (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91554986) "equal treatment for same-sex couples on the one hand, and the freedom to exercise religious beliefs on the other." The line needs to be drawn here. They should not impose on a church to marry them that opposes their behavior. Just because its a law does not make it right.

And it cannot be taught in schools brainwashing these innocent children. It's a right and wrong issue here. It's wrong. If you think I'm a hater, go read my post above which states that I am not.

Anonymous said...

In response to zz nuge:
I Don't think that you're a hater and I agree with you on the church issue. No church should be forced to allow a marriage they don't agree with. However, people are homosexual whether they are able to legally marry or not. Kids are not stupid and they will see and hear about homosexuality whether it's legal or not. If you teach them right from wrong, then they are not easily "brainwashed". I was raised to believe that premarital sex is wrong and I had a teacher that lived with her boyfriend. I wasn't "brainwashed" to think that it was right because it was legal. My parents and my church taught me that it wasn't. I was also taught that drinking and smoking are wrong and yet my best friend's parents did both. Those things are legal too, but I still knew they were wrong. However, I was taught to not judge and I simply knew that these people had different values than I did. I'm just guessing, but I think when you mentioned what kindergartners were being taught in Massachusetts, it was probably that they shouldn't judge someone with 2 daddy's - they are still children of God, right? You don't want your kids to be haters either, right? I can't imagine that they were teaching them that everyone SHOULD have two daddy's just because it's legal. ...And if it's the act you're referring to, well, I think everyone would agree that no teacher should ever be teaching your kids anything about what types of sexual acts are right or wrong - gay or not.

Anonymous said...

b.recek, thanks for your comments. No, I do not want my children to be haters or bigots, and I hope they never grow up to be so. But, it should still not be taught in schools at all. I appreciate that you don't think that sex should be taught in schools, but it is, very aggressively taught. My mother always made sure that I was taken out of the sex ed. class, and I am very appreciative of that.
The schools in Massachussettes are teaching the kids about diverse families, which sounds great! But not to justify homosexuals raising kids. And teaching this to kindergartners is most definately disturbing. The world has been desensitized to the teachings of God, and we are de-evolving, and are ripening for destruction. Many will call me closed minded, but I see it as the opposite, very open minded to the truth of scripture, and the word of God. If my Boldness offends anyone, I apologize but I will speak truth with boldness.

Trevor Baty said...

I dont think homosexuality is a civil rights issue at all. I dont think gay marriage is ok so for me this is an easy answer. Whether you believe in God or not there is a reason why their is a male or female, last time I checked 2 men or 2 women cant have children. Now I realize that not all couples can have children and by no means do I mean well they cant get married because something is wrong with one of them. I truly believe that straight couples for the most part would make better parents and would be more respected amongst the family's peers. No offense to homosexuals I am in no way saying they would automatically suck at being parents I just think it would mess up their kids a little bit. I disagree heavily with gay marriage, I believe in God, and God does not want gay marriage to be legal.

Amanda E. said...

ZZ Nuge: Do you think that evolution should not be taught in schools because some churches disagree with it? What about biracial parents? Should schools avoid having materials in their classrooms that portray a family of mixed races?

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I actually do not discredit evolution. Maybe the "Big Bang" theory and evolution(to a point)are true. Now, Monkeys? No, lol we are not the product of evolution from monkeys. Evolution is a hypothesis that may not be true. Homosexuality is a real thing. One is a reality and the other is an Idea. The creation of Life as we know it is too controversial to be taught in schools nowadays, Guess what? SO IS HOMSEXUALITY AND 2 DADDIES! An Athiest can cause all sorts of hell eliminating God out our public education. My Christian belief will keep Homosexuality out of our public education.
To answer your other question. If my daughter married a black man, or a hispanic, or any other race, I am so cool with that. With the issue of biracial parents, Nothing wrong with it in my opinion. I am no bigot to races. Actually, I sold alarm systems door to door in South Carolina, and found that the blacks were more cordial to me than the whites were.
I do not see how any of this can be compared to homosexuality. A white woman and a black man make a milato baby, AWESOME! YES! I love it! Teach kids that it is ok to marry a different race, YES I LOVE IT! But to teach kids that 2 dudes makes a great mommy and daddy, That aint workin here.
Glad I've got such a wonderful woman who is willing to homeschool my sweet children. Now remember, I will not teach them to hate or despise the homosexual, just the act of homosexuality.

parker freeman said...

I think this is the civil rights issue of our time. This is definitely a hard subject to approach. There has to be a separation between church and state on this issue and I feel that a lot of people have a hard time thinking of it that way. I think Nuge has brought up some valid points and I see that he has thought a lot about the issues. I believe that is important. This is not a simple qquestion with a "simple answer" as Mr. Bety put it. First of all. I believe that it is unconstitutional for gay marriage to be prohibited. We have "Unalienable rights", one of which is the pursuit of happiness. The reason for most marriages is not simply just to have children. It is to have a legally binding contract with the person one wishes to spend the rest of their life with. It is a contract that should be recognized, no matter who the parties are, considering they are consenting adults. Homosexual couples should have all the benefits and rights a heterosexual couple has.
I think it is a valid point being brought up about the church's losing tax exemption status for not performing gay marriages and I think that article you posted was interesting. That article was a bit tricky though, it wasn't necessarily about the church performing or recognizing the ceremony, it was about the ceremony taking place on the beach pavilion, owned by the church and "dedicated" to the public. I don't believe that a church would lose tax exemption status for not performing a homosexual marriage. This was just a unique case involving the church land that they said they had dedicated to the public.
And as for diverse life styles being taught in schools. I don't have anything against that at all. I don't want my kids to be ignorant and I don't want to hide them from everything in the world. Everyone learns about and deals with homosexuality on some level at some point in their lives. Teaching about it in school just trys to ensure that there will be no bigotry. That children understand that there are people in the world with different life styles and that we should respect what people choose to do with THEIR lives. In no way would it be indocrinated to kids that homosexuality is right or wrong, it just bring up the topic objectively and would encourage diversity and serious reflection on the subject.
I am also a christian, and consider myself no less of a christian for being for gay marriage. I believe that religion has no place in politics. I don't pretend to push my beliefs on any other person. I don't think that churchs should get politically active in this issue either.

Anonymous said...

Isn't saying I don't hate the homosexual just the act of homosexuality like saying I don't hate the Mass Murdering Dictator that killed thousands of people, just teh act of actually killing the people. To love someone as a brother means that you love them unconditionally without strings or preconditions on who they are and how they live their life.

Anonymous said...

Sorry this is Long, Bear with me.
Parker, I appreciate your post. We actually do practice the separation of church and state. We do not see clergymen, or men in high church positions filling seats in government. De Tocqueville actually talks about this. He noted that the clergy seemed anxious to maintain "separation of church and state," but that they had a great influence on the morals and customs of public life. By opposing Homosexuality from my moral religious beliefs is not imposing on the separation of church and state.
I think it's great that you are Christan Parker! We are brothers in Christ! I am assuming that you have a belief in the Bible, if you do then here are some passages to read: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination." (Leviticus 18:22) Two verses down, "Defile not yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you." (Lev. 18:24) The whole chapter is awesome!!! "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet." (Romans 1:26-27) There are a lot more. Being against the act which has turned political is not infringing upon church and state. America was built on moral religious standards, and so I will uphold the morality of the issue.

Jonathan, you are correct, I do not hate Hitler, or Stalin, or those who crucified Jesus the Christ. They will be judged by someone else a bit later, I'm glad it's not my job. :) But I despise their actions. I do not want to be judged for judging my fellow man, I'm no perfect man though, and do make mistakes quite often every day. I love them as my brothers, my literal brothers of my Heavenly Father. But yes, I can despise the act as it has been stated by God. To quote you, "To love someone as a brother means that you love them unconditionally without strings or preconditions on who they are and how they live their life." Great, I could not have spoken it better. I do love the homosexual as my brother, and unconditionally I might add. I can say unconditional because I can still love them even while committing an act I see as an abomination. I hope I am clear that I am not judging the man, but the act. Not having an unconditional love would be to despise, and abhor the person for what they are doing. I do not feel this way. This is why I can shake a homosexual's hand, and truly love him as my brother, not holding any malice, or judging him for what he does. Jon, I do understand where you got the feelings of me not having unconditional love though, I hope we understand each other better.

Trevor Baty said...

I disagree Jonathon, if my brother went out and decided he way gay I would think hey you know what I'd love him because he was my brother but I can still diaagree and despise his lifestyle. I can hate the act of homosexuality if I want, just like other people probably hate the fact that I am tunnel visioned. Thats just how it goes.

parker freeman said...

In response to ZZ Nuge. I am glad you are passionate about this and have posted so much. It is good to share opinions and learn what others have to think.
First off, in reference to the separation of church and state, I didn't mean that elected official's should or could not be religous leaders as well. I mean that as a society, we the people, the citizens are the ones that vote and make the decisions, we are the ones that approve laws and ammend laws. In America I would hope that we would not let our own beliefs curtail the rights of another citizen. It is fine if it someone's belief that gay marriage is wrong, but hey, lots of people think that tattoos are immoral as well, and we haven't inacted any laws that say that getting a tattoo would be illegal. Some people think that praying to someone other than God is wrong, should we make it a law that everyone must pray to one God. And again, some people think that premarital sex is wrong, should we make it a law that no one can have pre-marital sex? My point is that, homosexuality really does not hurt anyone. It is a choice that two concenting adults make to be with one another, and if it does not put in danger any other's rights than I don't believe it should be illegal.
And it is true, I am a Christian and I have read the bible. I agree that a lot of the bible is inspired, but in the end, it was written by humans, frail and imperfect humans. I do not trust wholly every word that the bible says, if I were to do so, I would contradict myself, as the bible contradicts itself. There are scriptures in the bible that would seem to contradict completely the idea of christianity.
Deuteronomy 7:2 is a delightful scripture where God orders Israel to "smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: Niether shalt thou make marriages with them."
There is another, quite charming scripture, Deuteronomy 21:18-21 that says that if our kids are rebels or alcoholics, we should stone them to death.
Even in the new testament, Paul has the Audacity to say that women should learn in silence, that they should not teach, that man has total authority. While I think that the story of Paul is amazing, and don't doubt he was a better man than I, I don't agree with what he says there. Having said this(and excluding many examples) I think that the bible is inspired and a good guide, but it is imperfect. It brings a good message but it leaves us to think and to figure some things out for ourselves, ultimately, we have been given the ability to reason, and our conscience is what should guide our reason to what is right. I personally believe Christ is the ultimate guide and example and I think his message is one of equality and love and compassion.
Christ says that it is not good for man to be alone as well. Everyone who gets married agrees with that. One of the biggest needs that people have is to love and be loved. And not just in a friendly way, but a romantic way. We need to feel needed.
I can't explain very well attraction, or the act of falling in love or love itself, and I am definitely not an expert, but I believe that it is something that just happens by itself. I don't know why I am attracted to the people I am attracted to, but I am. And there is a special person for me, I think there is for everyone. And being separated from that person, I think, is almost unbearable, unjust. I would say that a big cause of depression would be loneliness, or a broken heart, love can be painful, but it can also be inspiring and invigorating. One is euphoric when one is in love. One is inspired.
There is a reason elderly couples die within months of eachother's deaths. They depend on eachother. All in all, I think love is a virtue and although I can't explain the causes of homosexuality and I don't understand it completely, I think homosexuals are who they are. They aren't pretending, they aren't making a statement. They are looking for what everyone else is. They have found love in an unconventional way. And I think that is wonderful. "Amor Vincit Omnia!"
I think that if we are a country that believes in love, we should protect it.Hopmosexual couples should have all the rights that a heterosxual couple has.
I know some don't agree with me, and ZZ Nuge, you most definitely don't agree with me. But I think that this has been an interesting blog and I have liked to see what people have said. This has turned into a novel and I am sorry. I think I am done now. :)

Trevor Baty said...

For all you people that claim homosexuality doesn't effect me, my family or anyone thats not directly involved with them I would like you to watch this clip that I was e-mailed the other day. the website is http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1352578267/bctid1784521903
I don't know how many will enjoy this, I am very sure Zz Nudge will, but I say again this is for all the people that claim homosexuality is fine and doesn't effect anyone.
We all know my opinion on this matter is that it does effect me or my family or whoever may apply. This clip is about 2 couples telling their story in Mass. that their 5 and 7 year old are hearing about a prince and a prince getting married. I think that is ridiculous, are they really teaching 5 and 7 year olds that gay marriage is ok? That make my wife and I sick. When I have children and I found out that they were teaching this to my children at a young age that its ok for 2 men or 2 women to get married I would pull them out of school and home school them before I allowed that. So please watch this clip. Thanks, have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Parker, The scriptures are clear, and cannot be rebuttled. Homosexuality can be fought, just like the temptaion of fornication and adultery. It is not natural, and the scriptures make that very clear. Just like all temptaions, they can be fought against. We will have to agree to disagree on this.