Saturday, October 4, 2008

Is the media favor Barack Obama?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe that the media are supporters of Obama. The media loves to stir things up. They love things that will draw a crowd and they definantly love anything different.
Obama is our first black man running for president so of course the media would be all over that. McCain is not different enough from what they usually get so of course they are going for Obama.

Anonymous said...

I think they are in favor of him but I don't think it's because of his qualifications (he has none):) . In my opinion it is simply because he makes a better story. Let's face it...he's African American, he has a golden tounge, and he represents a party other than what's currently in power. I can see the dollar signs in the eyes of the media right now!! The media knows what americans want hear and they know how to make money. They are a business too.

Which brings up an interesting conversation. As mentioned in class most of us recieve our information from the media and I think that generally speaking we tend to believe a lot of what we hear...if for no other reason than for lack of time to validate the info for ourselves. So does that mean that the media (in a round-a-bout way) determines who will be our next president?

That's a scary thought in my mind...

parker freeman said...

I think a lot of the media is in favor of Obama, ofcourse, excluding some like fox news. But on the television, the majority of stations seem to have a little bias towards Obama. I think he is definitely more appealing. He is young, he is a great speaker, he is energetic. He is basically easy to like, mccain on the other hand is older, he is kind of like the same old story. So I think the media gives Obama some sort of an advantage. It seems like highly watched stations are pro obama and take shots at mccain and palin. For example, Ellen, Letterman, SNL, Oprah...these people have a lot of pull and theyt may give a little advantage to Obama. There are still some people and stations that give the advantage to McCain, but overall, Obama has most of the attention....uuum, most of the positive attention.

Anonymous said...

I think that the media currently favors Obama for a whole host of reasons, but it's to be noted that John McCain's main voting bloc for the last 10 years or so has been with the media.

My favorite example is this video of McCain speaking with two AP reporters who offer him both donuts with sprinkles(!) and an easy chance to call Obama an "elitist":

How generous of them!

I'd argue that the media now turning off McCain and onto Obama has to do with Obama's personality and story, McCain's dishonorably run campaign, and a national desire for "change", literally and metaphorically.

Anonymous said...

Yes the media was pro obama. the media was targeting young people who wanted to see a change in our depressed economy. Barack obama semmed to fulfill these ideals and give the young viewers a hope for a better future