Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What did you think of the Wright-Litvack debate?


Anonymous said...

Seeing the debate process in person was an interesting process. It was kind of hard to follow because I’m not a member of the community, and I do not know how the community has been run by Litvack. Although I loved his point of view I did not know much of his back ground with how or what he has done to improve the Glendale area.
Litvack was very outspoken and on most of his views I did agree with him. Wright seemed very sheepish and hushed during the debate. It would have been better if he would have been more outspoken.

One thing I would have loved to ask each candidate was what their view is on sexual education in schools. I feel that part of the problem, not only in that area but throughout the US, young men and women are getting themselves into a deep life time commitment that they are not ready for, weather it be a child and/or an STD. Each candidate felt that in order to help stop the crime in the area they needed to strengthen the family system. I feel that if couples are having children at the right time in their life the community will be strengthened. (I know this is an odd correlation but teen pregnancy/STDs numbers are on the rise, and to me that’s something to be concerned about)

Anonymous said...

Like Priscilla said it was interesting to see in person but not being a part of the community made it a little hard to follow as well as not knowing that the community was run by litvack.

You could definetly tell that litvack had a lot more experience than wright and every question he was asked he had a lot to say and there were several different ideas that sounded good to me. Wright on the other hand would always refer to the comment that he didnt feel that the community has improved since litvack has been in office. Well its hard to improve something that is constantly changing like gangs there is no set pattern that you can really follow it changes everyday and people get more cold hearted in the sense of what they are willing to do to get what they want, especially now in the financial crisis we are in. I dont think that the answer to gang problems are getting more boy scout groups out there (not that im knocking boy scouts) i just dont think thats the answer. Everything wright had to say to try and make litvack look bad litvack had what seemed to be a valid answer or response in return telling him what was actually going on. Another thing that i agree with priscilla on is there needs to be a better sexual education program in schools at a younger age because more and more young people are getting pregnant and im sure a lot of them without even knowing are catching some type of disease and if we dont get control of it now it will become a serious problem that we might not be able to get control.

parker freeman said...

I enjoyed seeing this debate. I thought that both candidates atleast seemed like genuine people, with the desire to help their communities. There was not very much nastiness or attacks, like I am being accustomed to as in the presidential debates and the debate at SLCC the other week.

The topics were very important. Especially when the murders and crime was touched upon. It seems like it may be the most important issue for the constituents. I think that Wright did a pretty good job and will appeal to some people, a young person active in the community, and it seemed like he really wanted to help. But Wrights answers to questions seemed a little empty, he talked about what he would want to happen, but he never really gave any specifics. You Could tell that Litvack is more of a politician and knows what he is doing in these situations. He was able to back up what he said with facts and data, and with specific things that he has been doing to help the community. I think I agreed more with Litvack on the issues and would feel more comfortable with him as the legislator. I also think that Wright could be a better candidate with more confidence and more experience.
Maybe he should try again in a few years.
That is just what I think though.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the debate because it was interesting to see how different people feel about the problems in the community and how they plan to address them. I was a little dissapointed in Mr. Wright because he didn't seem to have done his research on a lot of the problems that the community is going through, and you could tell the Mr. Litvack knew all about it because he had been dealing with it for 6 years.
It was interesting to see the strategy that wright used though which I would term, Incumbent assault. If he couldn't answer the question properly he simply tried to show how Litvack had not done anything about it. All being said and done for that it was aggravating. On the flip side I really liked Litvack's approach of letting the public know exactly what he has done in the past and what he will do in the future for the community. Litvack gave great examples of what was going on, how he felt about each issue, and how he was responding.
In short, it was extremely interesting and entertaining both.

Anonymous said...

The debate last tuesday night was pretty interesting. I like the formality and seeing the process of a debate in person... even though it was only a small debate. I thought the issues brought up were good issues especially about the crime going on in Glendale.

I have never been to Glendale and don't really know what's going on in that city. It would have been more helpful if I did. In regards to the candidates, I thought Litvack was very well spoken, and also extremely passionate about the city and improving it. Wright seemed like a good guy but a little shy, and not as articulate, or experienced as Litvack.

Anonymous said...

It was the first debate I have been to and I do not know if I will attend anymore. It was interesting, however I felt like neither one of the candidates directly answered the questions. All I kept hearing was each of them saying yes crime is a problem, yes we need more school funding, yes we need to fight the gang problem. It didn't seem like there were any specific ideas on how to accomplish these things.

If I was in that district I would vote for Litvack. I think from some of the things he said that I share a lot of views. I also thought it was a very big thing for someone who is up for election to state that they voted against the gay marriage ban and that he supports gay marriage and adoption. This last part may sound extra liberal but I also feel as though with the most Republican Legislature in the country that we need to keep any Democrat on the hill that we can.

Anonymous said...

I found the debate interesting and am glad that I attended. From their opening statements, I liked Litvack more. Wright talked about his life & family, and hopes for the future which is nice, but Litvack actually stated his concerns and his goals and what he thought needed to be done in the community. It appears that we all agree that Litvack seems to be more educated on what’s been happening in the Glendale area and the steps that are being taken to address the issues.
I’m sure that it’s because he is more experienced that Litvack answered each question confidently and that makes a big difference. It is easier to trust someone who is confident and knowledgeable. I would vote for him as well, because he was much more specific in his answers. I also appreciated the fact that he had voted against the gay marriage ban. It was nice to hear someone from this state and this area state that unapologetically.
I agree too, that Wright kept giving the same answer to each question: nothing’s changed since Litvack was voted in and there need to be more youth programs and it needs to start in the homes. It should start in the homes, but what if it doesn’t? There are families torn apart everyday and there are parents that don’t get involved with their kids, so then what?
I didn’t think about it before, but I like that Pricsilla brought up the point of sex education in schools. Education about abstinence, protection, STD’s and birth control is very important because kids are interested in sex whether we like it or not and there are an awful lot of teen pregnancies here in Utah, which could mean that there are an awful lot of STD’s being passed around as well. Ideally, sex education would start in the homes, but even my close-to-perfect parents didn’t talk to me about it until long after my friends and boyfriends did! It's an important issue.
Bottom line, I think Wright is probably a good guy and passionate about his community, but I didn’t get the sense that he was ready. He is not a good debater and needs to practice his answers, be more specific on how he will improve the community and speak up! Often, he spoke in almost a whisper, which does not convey confidence or passion.