Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why Democrats are Great and Republicans are Bad


Anonymous said...

This is a pretty tough topic for me to blog on. If I thought democrats were great for the country I would be one.

The best argument I can make is there is something to be said for having a strong central government. If not abused, a strong central government can create a unity amongst the american people that may not exist otherwise. I think that is a very strong advantage that the democratic party has.

Republicans are seen as bad because of the "winner takes all" generalization that we get slapped with. We are seen as bad because we think people that work hard for their money ought to be able to keep it and or donate how they choose not how the government requires. The whole idea of wealth distribution really turns my stomach. What incentive does it give me to work hard and become a succesful business owner? I would just be penalized for my success while those that refuse to get a job and use social programs as a way of life get rewarded.

I would support a social program that took time to teach people skills so they could learn to support themselves. The problem with the programs we have now is they promote dependance on the government.

Eventually, higher taxes on "the rich" will drive businesses out of business. Where will the tax revenue come from then?

Winslow said...

Democrats have great intentions. They want to make it so that when you drive down the street, you won't see a homeless person with nothing to eat. They believe that we need to care for the poor, feed the needy, clothe the naked. Those things that are closely related to Christian beliefs.
They are fresh: they have young college kids. They aren't stuck in the old ways of thinking. They have a lot of energy and vitality because they control the youth perspective.
Their idea is that everyone is taken care of which is a good idea.
The republicans don't focus on the small man enough. They tend to align themselves dangerously close with suspect corporations as in the case of Senator Stevens (He was found guilty of accepting bribes).
8 years ago, Republicans made a huge blunder of electing Bush over McCain in the Republican primary which has shed a poor light on republicans when it comes to money (Bush's budgets have continued to sky rocket). I personally think that he hasn't represented Republicans very well but nonetheless Republicans have lost a strong identity due to his poor decisions.
So what is bad about Republicans is that they don't have a very strong identity at this time.
I also hate that they are always right.

Anonymous said...

JFK, a democrat president said this: "And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." Great quote! I wish Rep's and Dem's were on the same page here together.
I like Democrats because they help position the swinging pendulum in the balanced center of the political spectrum. Democrats say let's fix this problem, and conservatives say, how much will cost, and what will it do to our freedom? If there was no democrat, the pendulum would move closer to anarchy. Without the conservative, it would move closer to tyranny.

Republican's (the elite republican's who aren't really conservative) are bad because they have lost the meaning of what it means to be republican. I despise the republican because they haven't done crap for our country while they have been in office. Republican used to mean freedom. It still does in the heart of the civilian person. But not in the politician. The republican elite need to crash and burn so we the people can have our party back. Go look at the differences of what we stand for now, and what Thomas Jefferson stood for. Actually, the Republican Elite are for big government, for more power, wealth and control. There aren't humble freedom fighting republicans in office anymore in my opinion.

P. Daniel Quinney said...

A lot of what I would normally say has already been said, so I’ll try and stick to what hasn’t been said.

Why are democrats good? For starters, they take a strong interest in the voices of the little people, the underdogs, so to speak. They sincerely want to help those less fortunate. They’re a lot more concerned with environmental conservation than most Republicans. All that, and hippies (who are predominantly democrat) are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

Why are republicans bad? Business. By this, I mean that they take so much of an interest in business, that they sometimes lose track of what is right, in favor of what is good for business. Republicans are also rather prone to being dogmatic in their dealings with other people.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are good for America because they have constantly fought for the rights of people through our history. I think the fact that they are more liberal than republicans gives them the advantage and desire to pursue our personal rights and extending them to new levels so that our society is constantly evolving.
Republicans on the other hand like to stick to the ideal that "if its not broken, don't fix it." Not only do we not like change but we like to push for things to remain the same because we are to conservative for our own good.
Thus why we have a good balance between the 2 party system.

Anonymous said...

This is a little difficult for me as well because lately i have actually been leaning a lot more republican after learning more and reading more. But here goes.
Democrats are great because they believe in change! They are great at getting America excited for a new leaf in our history. They are very convincing and very personable and are bringing hope to a lot of people (even if some of it is false hope).

FroggieFlip said...

Democrats are great because they want everyone to be equal basically. Equal status, equal money, etc. They want everyone to be able to have healthcare/insurance. Like someone mention, a lot of what the democrats stand for, is what some of the religion teach.

Republicans are bad in the sense that it give people the chance to be selfish if they want to. They, in a sense, want to keep the government from trying to make things a little more equal amongst us all. Also, this is a tough question to blog on, especially when I’m tired, so yeah.

Anonymous said...

i think democrats are great for the country because they dont just want to fix broken things they want to make them better and stronger which is a great thing. I also like how democrats will help the little guy and not just help themselves.

I think republicans aren't great because what have they done since they've been in the white house....Nothing to great that i can think of.