Tuesday, November 25, 2008


During this time of want and woe, a lot of people are losing their jobs. Unemployment insurance serves a lot of purposes, the largest of which is to help keep people on their feet long enough to get their next job.

Is that right? 

Is it smart for the government to assist unemployed members of the workforce?

Who should qualify for unemployment benefits?


Anonymous said...

I know this is a big surprise to everybody but I really don't agree with social programs. The less dependent on the government we can become the better the economy will be. Promote free market economy and self reliance.

If I lose my job today, what incentive does it give me to find a job tomorrow if I'm collecting unemployment? I would imagine unemployment is similar to welfare. One out of ten people use it properly and the other nine abuse it. What would happen if we got rid of social programs and people actually had to struggle? I bet they wouldn't have to struggle long before they figured something out.

Give a man a fish and feed him for a meal, teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime.

Winslow said...

Okay this area really pisses me off big time!! Let me tell you why....
At the beginning of this semester I applied for unemployment (which is a long nasty process: I think they do that on purpose) Well one of the things you have to fill out in the application is whether your going to school or not. I put in my availability but told them the hours I couldn't work because of school. They rejected me even though I qualified in every other area. Because I was going to school and couldn't work during those few hours. Now you would think they would give it to someone who is wanting to progress and succeed in school and help the effing economy in the future (when I can).
So many of the people that are on unemployment don't actually need to be. I do believe in help programs but there also has to be a way to get those people their own on 2 feet working again.
There is accountability with the Unemployment program in Utah but I do think that it gets taken advantage of. For instance you have to apply for 2 jobs a week. But you don't have to be honest about it. All you have to do is call and say "Yes I applied for 2 jobs". (at least thats how it was a few years ago... it may have changed since then).
So I do believe in it. I think it should help people going to school too!

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a tough issue. I don't think that there should be free hand out's, but I also don't think that we should eliminate all social programs. I think that there should be a balance between the two. If we cut all programs, obviously the less educated, or the poor less fortunate will be the ones that suffer. They could be out of work and grow frustrated and turn to other methods to survive, crime rates would go up. We would fill and build many more prisons and I think society as a whole would suffer. I also realize that there are people that abuse the system and find reason's to not have to work but still milk the government, so there should be a balance. There should be regulation. And that is what I think, we should meet somewhere in the middle on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Well unfortunately I don't really have a perfect solution for this problem. I can see both sides of the arguement. On one hand, there are hard-working, deserving people out there who get laid off, and are trying to support a fammily while finding a new job that pays well enough. They are the people we should proudly give a helping hand to.

On the other hand, there is always people who abuse the system and take advantage of this program. They have no real desire to go out and find a job since they are getting enough income with this program. Those are the same kind of people who abuse welfare and other social programs. They give it a bad name and could even prevent the real ones at need from getting help. I wish I knew how to solve this problem but I don't. Hope someone does!

Anonymous said...

I have collected unemployment benefits twice. I am very grateful that it's there. There is a limit on what you can collect and it is in no way comparable to what your previous income was. But it helps to pay the bills in part- until you can figure something else out. The amount of unemployment you can collect is based on your previous years earnings. The most you can collect is $427 per week if you've made over a certain amount during the past year.
When I was eligible for unemployment I was making $70k per year- another time I was making over $100k. The $427 was a drop in the bucket and could no way sustain my lifestyle.
The employer actually has to pay the unemployment insurance that is administered by the state. It sounds like some of you thought the state pays it? The state may subsidize the program but it is run like most other insurance programs.
If you quit a job you cannot collect. You have to have been laid off or be able to prove some other form of unfair job dislocation from the employer in order to collect. Most employers know the technicalities and want to get out of paying it if they can.

Anonymous said...

Jeff asked what motivates people to find a job if they're collecting unemployement. I would think that the fact that unemployment doesn't cover all your bills, nor is it forever is an excellent driving force.

I lost my job 3 years ago and due to really stupid circumstances I won't elaborate on here (if you want to know, ask me in class. It's very rant-worthy) I was uneligable for unemployment. I applied at no less than 10 jobs, including places like Petsmart to be a dog washer (I had heard it was a great way to get into grooming, which can actually pay a lot of money, surprizingly) but never even got callbacks until I applied at my current job. The only reason I got my current job is because I was friends with someone who worked there. We have thousands of applications a month to work there (we were listed as one of Forbes 50 Best Places to Work for two years in a row) and I lucked out because of who I know. If I wouldn't have, I think I would've been unemployed for another month instead of the month and a half I was before.

Granted, I could've probably walked into a McDonalds and gotten a job, and would have looked into something like that if I didn't get my current job, but the fact is places like that don't often pay the bills either. I was lucky that my husband could support us on his salary (and that we happened to be housesitting at the time so we weren't paying rent) but if I had a mortgage or children or any other kinds of financial obligations we would've been screwed.

THAT'S what unemployment is for. I'm sure some people abuse it, but people abuse everything. I truly believe that you shouldn't take things away from the majority of people it is helping simply because there is a small minority that might somehow unduly profit from it.

Anonymous said...

Unemployment, like welfare programs, has its place. I am glad the programs are there, but they all need to be reformed. It should be a stepping stone, not a solution. I hate looking for jobs, and I hate interviewing, but I’m 34 and haven’t gone more than a week without a job since I was 17 (and I’ve had many jobs). You can find a job if you are actively looking and if you’re not working then you have plenty of time to do that. Like someone said before, I don’t have children and I don’t have a mortgage, so for people in that position, you may need some help in between if you’re laid off or fired, but it needs to be a bit stricter. It should only be offered for a short period of time and there should be guidelines which require that you show you’re actively seeking employment or you lose it!
A lady I know started a non-profit organization which provides special tools & equipment and teaches skills to handicap people so that they can work regular jobs rather than simply collecting disability. The program was very successful, but in some cases, they still couldn’t afford to work because the money they made didn’t quite cover transportation, or childcare, etc. So this awesome lady started another non-profit organization which provided ONLY what these people needed in order to stay working & self-sufficient, such as transportation or childcare or made adjustments to their homes so they could work from home. It’s done on a case-by-case basis and they are now happily making their own money, contributing to society and no longer collecting money from the government. This also does wonders for their self esteem! Why can’t we come up with similar programs for welfare and unemployment – provide only what’s needed to keep people on their feet? People stay on welfare and unemployment because it’s more money than they would make if they were working. Plus if they aren’t working, then they don’t have to worry about childcare and transportation.
Unemployment might not take away the drive to find a job, but it might keep you from taking lower paying jobs because you’re not quite as desperate as you would be if you had no income at all. You should be taking any job you can and then move up from there.

Anonymous said...

Yes i think it is right! I know alot of people out there will aruge that it is not a good thing because people will take advantage of the situation.
But think of yourself or your family if your dad lost his job wouldn't you feel better knowing you had that insurance so that your family could still eat and keep your home until your dad found his next job?

Anonymous said...

I honestly do not think that there should be an unemployment assistance program not because i dont think that people deserve it but there are so many people out there that take advantage of anything thats free and where does the governments money come from? Yeah all of our tax money. I think that if there is going to be such a program they should make it very very limited as far as how much time one can stay unemployed and get assistance. I actually dont know much about the program but i do strongly disagree with it.

Anonymous said...

I feel like it is a good idea for the government to step in and help out unemployment....to an extent. I feel that if someone loses there job there should be a certain amount of time they can get help from the government so that people can't take advantage of the system which the government doesn't do. I feel if the person can prove that they absolutely need assistance such in a case that there trying to support a family on one income or they don't have any money saved to get them through the transition.

Anonymous said...

I believe that unemployment is a necessary evil. It exists for those few who really need it, however like welfare, it is sorely abused. In my opinion they need to make the supervision of people on welfare programs like unemployment a much higher priority and stop wasting tax dollars.
There should also be much stricter requirments to prove that you are out trying to get a job while you are on unemployment, I realize you don't make as much on unemployment as if you are working, but for some it is close enough that it warrants not getting a new job, and that is just not right when the rest of us must earn our way.