Sunday, November 9, 2008

Who Voted for Proposition 8? (From Ben)

I've been reading up on how Prop 8 managed to pass in an overwhelmingly liberal state like California, and it seems as though it was more an issue of black and Latino Californian Democrats turning out overwhelmingly in favor of Prop 8 than any specific influence by the Mormon Church. After all, it's unlikely black and Latinos Democrats in California take any cues from the Mormon Church, as opposed to their own.

As you can see, exit polls show white Californians voted 51% against Prop 8, while 70% of blacks and 53% of Latinos voted for it:

There seems to be a growing undercurrent of strife and division within the now-majority Democratic coalition on social issues. The benefits that new black and Latino voters have given the Dems on a national scale could be short lived.

Hope you find this of interest as much as I did...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, I just wanted to say thanks for posting this blog. Although I never replied, I did read it and found it very interesting. Unfortunately, I'm not able to reach any of those people in California through this blogspot, so I spent my blog time arguing with our fellow classmates. It's been nice having someone in class who really knows about politics and current issues. Each time you open your mouth (or post a blog) I learn a new interesting fact or another valid point of view and I think we've all learned a little more just by having you in class.