Thursday, September 4, 2008

Is Sarah Palin right?

Sarah Palin's acceptance speech

1 comment:

Winslow said...

I have to say that I like her a lot so far. She is right in many ways. First I will go over a few that I think are important but many others may not feel the same way. She is a family person, with the same problems that all of us face today. She can relate to all of us in many ways. She has a son in the Army serving the country. She has a disabled child which means she is going to fight for more of their rights. She has a pregnant daughter which shows her normalcy. Oh and they did not abort the child which shows that she truly acts on her beliefs.
She has executive experience.
As soon as she was made Governor of Alaska she made a ton of changes and helped its economy big time. She is a doer of words and not just a sayer. That is huge!
She reduced alaska's government spending whcih means she will do the same for the country.
Outside of all that, she seems to be a pretty awesome woman. I guess we will see soon enough if McCain wins.