Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Are Lobbyists Good for America?

In this presidential election we have heard a lot of bad things about lobbyists. Both McCain and Obama decry "special interest" groups and lobbyists as wolves in the henhouse. Yet, if it weren't for these groups, certain legislation would never be passed because the information cost of getting all of the facts would be extremely high. Plus, there are so many coalitions around the country that represent millions of Americans who cannot speak individually to their representatives. 

Should lobbying be outlawed? Would that help or hurt the legislative and appropriating processes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel that Lobbyists are needed. If we did not have lobbyists legislation would never get passed, lobbyists do a great job of gathering information. At times the information may not be the most accurate, but they do a good job of gathering it none the less.
They also do a great job of representing the people, in most cases the people have difficulty accessing high ranking government officials. If we didn't not have lobbyists the people would have a more difficult time conveying there message.
Lobbying should not be outlawed, it would be a foolish move to outlaw it. I feel it would kill the legislative and appropriating process.
Plus isn't this what makes politics fun?