Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why are elections so difficult?


Anonymous said...

I think elections are difficult because they are so subjective. Every candidate puts their best foot forward and promises the world. They target each others campaigns with negative media and are always jabbing at each other. I think it's difficult to get the truth.

I think they are also difficult because generally we lack the knowledge to understand what it is really going to take to implement their policies...and they know that. They play upon ignorance by making statements like "universal healthcare." I wonder how many of us have actually stopped to think what what will it really take to implement such a policy, or what will the long term effects be? I need to add that I believe both parties are guilty.

Winslow said...

Imagine disturbing a Beehive, and about a thousand bees swarm your head and you throw your hands in the air trying to get the bees away. This is how I feel about the elections at this time. Freaking frustrated!!
What should we believe today? I really don't know. Both sides are throwing out "trash talk" on each other. (Obama is affiliated with blah blah blah.... McCain is Bush... blah blah blah.
It has turned in to a cat fight eh?
Why are they finding each others past issues and trying to get a jab in? Well because we Americans buy into it all. For some reason we all decide to believe every bloody thing said by the media.
If your getting on CNN.com then of course your gonna hear crap on McCain and Obama praised like a God. And if you listen to Hannity then your gonna hear all the crap on Obama. But I personally think there are so many people that just get on the sites and believe every damn thing they say.
It comes down to this: We need to vote for who we truly feel will do a better job for the country as a whole (hole) same thing. Who is it that is going to help the many problems going on in the country?
I also wanted to say that we are United and we need to stay united. For now we can bicker and fight about who is right and what is right but after the elections, let us be united eh? Yes, we all have our opinions which is awesome, lets just respects others opinions. There is no need to generate hate, that just defeats the whole purpose of being united.
This probably sounds dumb and all but hey it's how I feel, so don't judge me!! Haha bye for now.

Anonymous said...

I think that elections are so difficult because the candidates will say anything that they think the people want to hear. They try to make us believe that they are going to chance our world for the better in everthing they do, which we all know is a lie.

They also try and point out all the bad qualities in each other. They will lie and bash eachother every chance they get. They put so much effort in finding and pointing out the bad in one another and not enough in how they, themselves, can better the people and our country. I just wish that for once there could be an honest election where the candidates focus on themselves and the truth instead of lying and conniving.

Anonymous said...

I feel elections are so difficult, because we as a society have different values and qualities we desire in our political figures. Political figures are just people, I think we tend to forget that from time to time. People are prone to mistakes, its human nature. This years election is more interesting than ever, because we have an african american presidential candidate.Along with a female vice president canidate. I think this is a gret step for america. Barack Obama is like the Jackie Robinson of Presidential Elections, I think it is great. But Obama will encounter struggles for acceptance just like Jackie Robinson did in baseball. I just think as a society we have to be more accepting, and become more educated before we vote. There will be people that vote for Obama strictly because he is black, just like there will be people that vote against him strictly because he is black. Neither of which are good reasons.

FroggieFlip said...

I think that elections are difficult because of the lies that can be told. People can say whatever it is that they want to try to get elected and once that happens they just go and do their own thing. So, it is hard in the sense of knowing who is telling the truth.

I think it is also hard in the sense of knowing who to trust, and if you should trust that person. Trust is a hard thing to give out. It is also a hard thing to gain back when you lose it.

Anonymous said...

I feel elections are so difficult because like everything there are two sides to every story. Thats pretty much what elections are, they're two people trying to tell you the best story possible to pursuade you to vote for them. Whether the story is real or fake? Well thats your decision when voting time comes around.

Also sometimes i feel it's more one canidate trying to put down the another canidate to make themselves look better. Then it is them trying to pursade people to vote for them.

parker freeman said...

It is finally over and I am so happy. I think I was getting sick of the rhetoric from both campaigns and sick of the waiting. Elections are Hard I think because there is so much at stake. This is the biggest job in the country and arguable in the world. It is hard because you have to sell yourself to the people. You have to be almost prefect in what you say and what you do and there is no limit to what the media can do. We saw a lot of this, like the 'lipstick on a pig' ordeal and all the sarah palin interviews. There is a lot of pressure to be perfect. It gets heated and the campaigns have to think of strategies that may win voters.
I am so glad that the election is over and that it will be another four years until we will have to go through it again.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is finally over! No more critisizing one another and trying to figure out which candidate will do a better job. The country has spoken and we think Obama will handle the job better than McCain. This was a very important election due to all the issues socially and economically today. Obama has a lot ahead of him, but as a nation, we need to accept that he is the president, even if you didn't vote for him.

Being bitter that he won, and having the attitude that he is all talk and won't "change" anything, needs to stop now! If we want our country to survive, then our whole nation needs to be united and support the man in charge. SUre we can question him and have our own critisisms, but overall we have to be behind him and have faith that he will be a great president for our nation.

Anonymous said...

This was my first time ever voting and it was one of the hardest decisions I had to make. Even though I know what I stand behind - what I believe in... marking that ballot was permanent.
It's so hard because you feel and go with what you feel is right and what if it was completely what you thought it to be? We make so many decisions in our life that may not be the best or completely opposite.