Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why Republicans are Great and Democrats are Bad


Anonymous said...

Republicans believe in less government involvement and regulation. This is really good because it will keep their noses out of peoples rights to gay marriage or abortion because they don't want to over regulate!

Democrats have been known for their generous hearts, yes, they believe that it is their duty and responsibily to lend a hand to their fellowmen and women. Why is this a weakness? Because they see that everyone will have equal opportunity instead of the republican way which is you only get it when you can earn it yourself.
Republicans are great because they believe in the success of small business and tax shelters for big business. They reward the successful business with tax cuts. Just look at the huge tax cuts that the oil companies have gotten through the republicans! Gotta love those republicans who generously reward the lucritive oil business owners!
Also the republicans have been so generous with our resources in Iraq. Yes, I know, our own country is suffering and going down the tubes but lets make sure we stay in Iraq and dump billions of dollars there because after centuries our determination is bound to change the traditions that have been going on for generations!
The democrats are bad because they would rather give more to the poor, the elderly and those without healthcare benefits. They would rather give tax cuts to the middle class than the wealthy- because there are more people who are middle class and they don't favor the few at the top!

Anonymous said...

Wow...I really think you missed the point of this whole exercise.

Anonymous said...

nope- I just honestly couldn't come up with anything more than this... interesting you made this comment under 'anonymous'- it's okay to offer your opinion, I can handle it, I won't hate you, I promise:)

Trevor Baty said...

Are you a democrat, a republican, or a redneck?

Here is a little test that will help you decide.

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you.

You are carrying a Glock 40 cal, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.

What do you do?

Democrat's Answer

Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!

Does the man look poor? Or oppressed?

Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?

Could we run away?

What does my wife think? What about the kids?

Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?

What does the law say about this situation?

Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?

Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?

Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?

Does he definately want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?

If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?

Should I call 9-1-1?

Why is this street so deserted?

We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.

This is all so confusing!

I need to discuss with some friends over a latte and try to come to a consensus.

Republican's Answer


Redneck's Answer

(sounds of reloading)


Daughter: 'Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?'

Son: 'You got him, Pop! Can I shoot the next one?'

Wife: 'You are NOT taking that to the taxidermist!

Trevor Baty said...

Thats really not my comment I just thought it would lighten up the mood a little. Hmmm why are democrats bad? Can I just say they are a bunch of liberal morons? haha no thats to demeaning, well I'll start off with my opinion. First of all I work very hard for my money and i would really rather not have the democrats take it away because Susan and Bob the rednecks dont believe in getting off their lazy A's to go out and work and pay for health insurance or what not. Now I know there are some rare cases where people cant get health insurance and I respect those situations, but lets be honest how many real situations are there for how many situations where people are just lazy? Second I would like to talk about the war in Iraq I am quite aware that there are republicans as well as democrats that are against the war but you know what I am 100% for it. Oh yes I am a very big President Bush supporter. Last but not least (I'll have to write more later, but I'm lazy and dont feel like writing anymore at this late hour) I HATE BARACK OBAMA. I think he is a worthless pile of dung, I swear if he becomes the next president this country is just going to suffer. The whole world wants Obama to be the President because everyone hates us and WE as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA might as well bend over because every country that hates us WILL attack us when we are the weakest. AND WE WILL BE THE VERY WEAKEST WHEN THAT IDIOT OBAMA IS OUR PRESIDENT. For all you Obama supporters that are against the war in Iraq, what happens when WW3 is coming? We'll see who the better choice is after the first year of that idiot, but I'm still crossing my fingers that the Republicans will come on top :)
peace out

Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid to offer my opinion. I just wasn't paying attention and clicked the wrong button. Just out of you honestly have nothing good to say about republicans?

Anonymous said...

MHarris, Your open mindedness isn't showing here. I thought liberals were open minded. You are proving others right, that liberals really aren't that open minded, but just as closed minded as most other people are.

Oh and Trevor, you weren't there for class where this blog was explained. You are to Blog in the other one, and explain why Dem's are good and Rep's are bad. This is the Dem's Blog spot :)

Anonymous said...

MHarris, Your open mindedness isn't showing here. I thought liberals were open minded. You are proving others right, that liberals really aren't that open minded, but just as closed minded as most other people are.

Oh and Trevor, you weren't there for class where this blog was explained. You are to Blog in the other one, and explain why Dem's are good and Rep's are bad. This is the Dem's Blog spot :)

OH And two great democrat quotes, Paraphrasing: "A Democrat will work hard to give you the shirt off someone else's back" And, "No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity."

Amanda E. said...

I'm going to make a general disclaimer here that I'm basing my answer off a general idea of Republicans, so if you are a Republican and this doesn't apply to you, please don't hurt me. *laugh*

Many of the Republicans I know strongly believe in truths that they feel are unshakable. I think this would be comforting in a way. I am a born skeptic so even the things that I feel are true, I question. It can be kind of discontenting. Also, I think that kind of devotion leads to a sense of community that a bunch of little skeptical groups can't really touch.

I also get and can respect the idea of not giving people things (and instead making them earn them), which tends to be a popular belief when it comes to the Republican Party. If it was 100% effective, we would have the most industrious society in the world, I think.

I also appreciate that Republicans tend to want to defend themselves, which can be empowering when done correctly. I think sometimes people are afraid to stand up, but Republicans have sort of a fighting spirit in that regard which can help inspire others that need help. I the first serious answer in this post? *laugh*

parker freeman said...

So this is a pretty hard post, but putting aside any cynism or sarcasm. I think there is a possibilty that republicans can be better in some ways. Rebublicans can inspire people. They appeal to a lot of traditional American values. They are pretty patriotic and they appeal not only to a lot of the common people in the U.S., but they appeal to a lot of entreprenuial americans as well. I think they have the capability of inspiring ingenuity and a goal to always be the best(whatever that may be.) They also have the capability to inspire nationalism and make people want to be proud to be Americans.
Reasons I think the democratic party could be I said in class, just the idea of having such a partisan system makes it dangerous. It means that a lot of things won't get done, not because of ideological conflicts, but because they don't want to vote against their party or side with the other party. Democrats also have this belief that we should help out the poor and the less fortunate. They are for bigger government help. This may be bad because there are some people who can and do abuse the system the way it is set up.

Anonymous said...

Republicans defeated Communism. They were right to lead the cause for support for Eastern European democracy, as well.

Republicans are very good with charity work, better than libs/Dems on average.

Republicans are fundamentally correct on government spending, if not necessarily the role of the government; the less spending on frivolous waste, the better.

Republicans are correct that military spending is a wise investment; nuclear weapons in particular (while in and of themselves extremely dangerous) are the fundamental part of Mutually Assured Destruction, which has been keeping the peace for 60+ years now, for better or for worse, even well after the end of the Cold War.

As for Democrats, they need to learn how to get more vicious in Congress and in the political arena. Grow a sack, for God's sake! In fact, grow a couple extra, in case the first pair shrivel up!

I don't care what Matt said in class, those guys have been bending over backwards for Republicans for at least 8 years now! The Bankruptcy bill, anyone? The fact that we are STILL in Iraq even though the '06 midterms were specifically a referendum on Iraq? The reason why the Demo congress get such low approval ratings is because liberals are also upset at them for not doing anything that they said they would!

What a bunch of wimps!

Anonymous said...

From what I understood we are supposed to write about why our political party is bad and the opposing party is good. I am a Democrat and will now try to tell you why I think Republicans are good and Democrats are bad.

First, Republicans promote self accomplishment. This is the basis of the American Dream, I can achieve it if I work for it. Coming from a hunting family I also appreciate that they will do whatever they can to protect our right to bare arms. I like that they preach government not making decisions for you in your personal life and that they always wear red. GO UTES!!

Democrats seem to spend too much time looking at what we can do help all the other people. They do not view our right to bare arms as I wish they would. I do hate how they always wear blue though, Cougs goin' down.

After all is said and done. I appreciate self achievement but I believe that achievement and generosity can go hand in hand. There is no reason why as we grow our own wealth we can not help others in need. I personally feel better about my achievement of helping others more than I do of my successes at work. My job is only what I do, it is not who I am. I believe that how we treat each other will leave a much more lasting impression when we are gone than the amount of money I can make while I am here. I believe in the right to bare arms, but I do not believe that anyone needs to own assault rifles or armour piercing bullets. And I believe that everyone should have health insurance, I don't believe that most of the cases of people not having insurance is because they are lazy but because when raising a family, paying for a house, transportation, food, etc. there are somethings that have to be cut from your family budget.

That was a little longer than I thought and got kind of preachy at the end. Sorry. Once again. GO UTES!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, Trevor, the correct Republican response to the joke is:

Stare blankly at the wall for five minutes...

Let the terrorist get away...

Pretend you never got that email a month prior that said "Terrorist Determined to Kill Your Family" when you talk to the cops...

Then invade his neighbor's house and take it over for five years!

Anonymous said...

Being a strong supporter of the Anarchists philosophy where the strong not only survive, but are not inhibited in their pursuit to establish an obviously superior form over those that are weaker. Republicans work toward a capitalistic, free trade status of our country, which in its purist form is just a pebbles toss away from anarchy. Also, the republicans have provided a lot of support to our military and the troops there in, and by doing so have shown their support of people willing to give their lives to the pursuits of the country as a whole.
Democrats, as a whole, are generally lethargic in their ways, so I’m afraid that empty promises are all we are being given. And the ‘Rock-star’ image that Obama has developed is bothersome. The president is a major face for our country, but he/she should not merely be the popular kid on the block. His constant charisma gives me the impression that his closet has a pad lock. Is he ready for the constant attention on his family and life? Can he stand four years of pressure? I worry his smile isn’t going to be enough to patch bridges.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are great.. and here is why! Republicans like less government involvement. They want Americans to live their own life and do what they do without the Federal Government poking their big fat heads in everything. Republicans also like lower taxes. Another great thing about Republicans is that They believe in strong State Governmentsand also a strong militarty which is great since we are currently in a war!

Democrats are bad because unlike the Republican party, they like strong Federal Government. They also like a lot of Social Programs such as welfare. These programs cost a lot of money and raise taxes.

Anonymous said...

Republican are great and Democrats are bad, in my mind because Republicans are more willing to work together with democrats to form a more of a team together feeling. This way more things get done, instead of just arguments and fights. The republican party is much better and being the party not in power, because they do not believe in sabotaging everything the democrats do.

Republicans are probably better at seeing the whole picture. If democrats have a good idea, republicans are usually better at supporting a great idea generated by a democrat, than a democrat supporting a great republican idea.

We need to work together. We need more unity in the country. United we stand, divided we fall. Think about it people.

Anonymous said...

republicans are great because unlike democrats they make you earn what you get which i believe in very much why should we give a person that is very able to work free money....? i mean i understand if they've been working and they're injured. But if someone just is out of work and expects somethin to be handed to them...tough luck.

Democrats are bad because they believe in the exact opposite. they want to give people that expect free handouts. free handouts i just don't understand why you would just want to give something to someone that doesnt want to work for it.